Jenn Grant / Compostela

Jenn Grant

Compostela (2014)

Jenn Grant

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13               55     4,2308          4,6308                4

01. Bombshell (ft. Doug Paisley) 4****
02. Trailer Park (ft. Sarah Harmer) 5*****
03. Spades (ft. Buck 65) 5*****
04. Stranger in the Night (ft. Rachel Sermanni) 5*****
05. Bring Me a Rose (ft. Justin Rutledge) 4****
06. Barcelona (ft. Ron Sexsmith & Don Kerr) 4****
07. No One’s Gonna Love You [Quite Like I Do] (ft. Stewart Legere) 4****
08. Canadian Maple Grove 3***
09. Wild Animal 5*****
10. Spanish Moon (with an audience at The Black Sheep Inn) 4****
11. American Man (ft. Kim Harris) 4****
12. Hummingbird (ft. Rose Cousins) 4****
13. Mauve 4****

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